Guide For Office Lighting

Office work is visually demanding and has always required good lighting for preventing eyestrain, improving comfort, and increasing productivity. So today’s workplace calls for flexible lighting systems that support the tools of the modern office, such as monitors and notebook computers. Poor lighting office can mean anything from lighting that causes glare, to overly bright lights, improperly placed lights or dim lighting.  This means  integrating  more appropriate lighting solutions into existing lighting plans.

#What is “good” office lighting?

"Good" lighting means providing enough illumination in specific areas so people can see printed, handwritten or displayed documents clearly, while not over illuminating areas.

#Different areas require different lighting

Offices consist of many different types of rooms and areas: work areas, public areas, hallways, meeting rooms, showrooms, kitchens, places for relaxation – each requiring a different kind of lighting. Some spaces must follow specific criteria while other areas can be illuminated with much more freedom. Besides visual comfort, people’s wellbeing and safety are important considerations and lighting can also be directly linked to productivity. Today’s advanced electronic controls can follow different phases of the day and balance artificial lighting levels with natural light. Using warmer tones and low intensity at the beginning and end of the day can lower stress, and using cooler tones during the day can be energizing.

And LED as the main tool in the office,it have many advantages in office lighting, for examples:

  1. High efficiency and energy saving, and can reach more than twice as much as traditional light sources.
  2. Quick start and easy dimming, combined with the dimming system to create flexible lighting function.
  3. The lamp is compact easy to install and hide,long life of light source.

Our companys LED lights have the above advantages, the following are some of our companys more popular lamps:

  1. TL90
  1. TL90 LED Track light
  2. AL08Pc Diffuser LED Ceiling Light_02

    If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contract us as soon as possible. Attached is the website of our product:


    #What affects the illumnation of a luminaire?

    According to research, UGR( Unified Glare Rating) is crucial in the study of lighting factors. Glare is the sensation of visual discomfort caused by areas that are too bright within the field of vision. Glare should be limited to avoid fatigue, discomfort and accidents. Whats more important, UGR should be less than 19 index is better.


Use LED lights in the meeting room